Day: July 24, 2023

Web Development vs. Game Development :Different but with Synergic RelationshipWeb Development vs. Game Development :Different but with Synergic Relationship

3D rendered image of a yellow dragonThe Call of Dragons website is a good example of how web development is different from video game development, as site content depends entirely on the video game. The development of a video game requires considerations of several aspects such as the core logic, physics of things, digital models for characters and environments and all other elements needed in making a completely immersive game.

Web Development CodesWeb development does not have to consider such principles and concepts because a website’s evolution depends on how the game develops and progresses, especially if it’s a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) like Call of Dragons.

Maintaining a well-developed video game website is essential in launching a video game campaign, for obtaining player feedback, as well as in providing players with important guides on how to make progress in their gaming missions.

Examples of What to Include as Guides in a Video Game Website

While still using the Call of Dragons (COD) as sample, COD developers aim to keep the game constantly evolving, usually by adjusting hero abilities from time to time. Yet a guide on how to power up one’s game from the very onset is the most popular and most used feature especially by the free-to-play gamers.

Promo Redemption Codes

Powering up denotes activating Promo Codes that unleash a ton of free resources to use in dealing with game opponents, including the pay-to-win game participants.

All COD players are encouraged to use the free redemption codes as a means of maximizing game progress. Promo Redemption Codes offer free speedups, various valuable items like gems and basic but essential resources for building one’s fortress.

Have awareness that redemption codes are oftentimes added and given by game developers to commemorate or celebrate special days, holidays or before the release of a major update, That is why Promo Redemption Codes have expiration dates. In which case. it would also be best to checkout Guides for Expired Promo Redemption Codes.

Choosing the Starting Faction and Hero

The COD.Guide site recommends for new players to choose the League of Order faction. Mainly because that is where players can access critical resources such as gold, wood, ore, mana and farming experts like the Magic Hero, Waldyr.

Who is Waldyr?
Waldyr is one of the game’s Peacekeeping Heroes, who give assistance to new players still in the state of neutrality, so they can farm easier and faster. While subsequently, some choose a different Peacekeeping Hero as partner, sticking with Waldyr has advantages. This hero has the ability to remain very formidable as an ally at later PvP stages.