Tag: Content Strategy

The Most Important Success Factors For A Good WebsiteThe Most Important Success Factors For A Good Website

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A website project should always be based on a specific strategy for efficient execution.

Defining the goals of a website

Without setting goals, you actually have no clue as to whether your websites are successful or not. A wide range of goals can be pursued with a website. Should it increase the reach of your own brand, generate leads, sell directly, and create product awareness, or do all of these together? When setting goals, it is advisable to rely on the SMART model. Your goals are therefore ideally clear, measurable, realistic, important for your business, and achievable within a certain period of time. For instance, if your website is about gaming or free spins for popular video games, it is important that this website appeal to its target audience in order to meet the goal of the website.

Determining your target audience and creating a buyer persona

Of course, it is extremely important to precisely identify the target audience of your website, otherwise, you will hardly be able to work proficiently toward meeting their expectations. Preferably, you create buyer personas. In addition to socio-demographic data, psychological characteristics, typical actions, and/or media affinities, the buyer persona approach also uses very personal factors, such as possible professional and private challenges, and other details.

Your target group thus gets a concrete face, which allows you to tailor the content of your website very precisely to them.

Keyword analysis

Appropriate content is exceptionally useful. However, how do you discover which content is particularly important? In most cases, appropriate answers result from good keyword analysis. In the course of this, you will find out what your target group is looking for on Google.

Content Strategy

You must set up a suitable strategy for your content long before you begin producing content. Keep in mind that your (potential) customers are also using the Internet more and more to get information that really helps them to solve specific problems or requests. If your content is instrumental in overcoming them, the chances that your business will be chosen eventually for the solution increase. You can therefore benefit greatly if you provide your target group with the right content that is really valuable in the respective context all through the entire customer journey.